Jim Seitz was born in Chicago and currently resides in the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. He grew up in Texas and graduated from Stephen F. Austin State University with a Bachelor of Science Degree. He began showing talent and love for art as a young child, becoming more serious during his college years. During that time, he worked for the university, providing detailed medical illustrations for the Science Department.
He has traveled extensively throughout his life, living for several years in the Middle East, before moving to South East Asia. His travel experiences have included everything from cave explorations in the mountains of Iran to working in the jungles of New Guinea and Borneo. His preferred medium during that time was ink and watercolor, as it was easy to transport to and from remote locations.
While influenced by various 19th century landscape artists, Jim has developed a unique technique characterized by tonal, minimalistic representation of his subjects. Through his approach, less become more. His appreciation of color and his creative perspective provide pieces that are traditional, moving to abstract. His utilization of metallic leaf applied over a heavy textured foreground and then glazed with multiple layers of acrylics provides and affect that has become this artist’s style.
After living in various parts of the word, Jim’s art has become a blend of memories. The only thing he predetermines is the horizon line. Everything else is free flowing and develops as he starts laying down layers (nothing is sketched). His completed work will have as many as 15 to 20 thin layers. He has become know for his ethereal skies and his use of metallic leaf. His work is collected domestically as well as internationally.
"Connie, my wife of 50 years is an incredible interior designer. She has been featured in Southern Living twice and recently in Country French magazine. She is my best critic and inspiration."